Math Fair 2018: Mathematician Look Alike Contest

Mike Terence aka Alan Mathison Turing (Mathematician Look Alike Contest)
In celebration of Math Fair 2018, Marigondon Elementary School and other public schools set aside a day to commemorate such affair. The event involved contests participated by selected pupils from Grade 1 to Grade 6. The contests were Math Jingles, Mathematician Look Alike, Math Quiz, DaMath, and Mathematics Trivia. 

This year, Mike Terence was selected to be one of the contestants of Mathematician Look Alike. He was representing the Grade 5 Level. He portrayed the computer scientist and mathematician of the 20th Century, Alan Mathison Turing. He's the Founder of Computer Science and Father of Artificial Intelligence. The performer was judged by selected master teachers based on his/her costume and delivering speech to introduce the Mathematician that he/she going to portray. The contest was ended successfully with positive results. John Carlo Hontiveros from Grade 6 won 1st place, Mike Terence a.k.a Alan Mathison Turing won 2nd place from Grade 5, and Cyril Tayag of Grade 2 as 3rd placer. For the Math Jingle Contest, the winner was the Grade 2 followed by Grade 6 and Grade 1. The Math Quizzer winners and DaMath winners were awarded also along with the Trivia Winners. The school level winners will be going to compete for the incoming District Math Fair. 

Congratulations to Mike Terence and to all winners & participants!!!

Congratulations Winners!

Math Jingles 

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